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Find out everything you need to
know about the Enneagram.

What is the Enneagram?


The Enneagram is a map of personality and human conscience. Its wisdom and principles bring an understanding of the innermost functions of the mind and are based on the first relationships with our families. According to the Enneagram, human habits and perceptions can be divided into nine distinct personality types. The Enneagram offers an evolution path for the way we think, act and feel.


How can the Enneagram change your life?

The first step you can take on your journey with the Enneagram is to know the nine types of personalities so you can recognize yours. You will be able to discover a lot of information about yourself and your cognitive, emotional and behavioural process and, with that, go straight to the point and make the changes you want to see in your life.


The Enneagram profiles were established by observing the human being and its fundamental values. They raise awareness to what is most important to each ego that are at the center of decision making, such as power, success, satisfaction, helping others, inner peace, and security.


The first change that will occur will be concerning your self-image. It is common for people to change the way they see themselves. They started a journey of transformation from the inside out, according to each individual goal.

Reasons to use the Enneagram for self-development

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Increase self-awareness and have a more significant role in managing your life and career.

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Create a connection with the center of the intelligence for a more balanced life.

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Develop talent and maximize performance through a new perspective.

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Incorporate and consolidate learning through behavioural change.


I want to get to know myself!

The premise of the methodology used by Caroline de Moraes is that the development process is related to integrating the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual dimensions. The appropriate techniques for each situation will lead you to have a deep knowledge of yourself and your evolution path.

On my YouTube channel, you will find several videos to help you better understand what the Enneagram is. If you want to discover your type, this video can help you (but if you still have any questions, do not hesitate contact me).

Free download of my e-book

Download the Introduction to the Enneagram e-book

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